Feb 17, 2025  
2024-2025 College Catalog 
2024-2025 College Catalog

Academic Information

Academic Achievement Center

Wellesley Hills Campus / Second Floor / 781-239-2632
Framingham Campus / Third Floor / 508-270-4213

MassBay’s Academic Achievement Center (AAC) employs professional learning specialists and peer tutors across subjects. The AAC helps students with reading and study skills, writing for any class, and all levels of math and science. It also offers a range of services for students with disabilities.

The Academic Achievement Center includes Testing Services, Peer Tutoring, Online Tutoring, the Reading and Writing Center, and the Math and Science Center. The AAC is a warm and friendly environment where all MassBay students can receive assistance in achieving their academic goals.

Testing Services

Wellesley Hills Campus / Room 210 / 781-239-2632
Framingham Campus / Room 320/ 508-270-4213

Make-Up Exams

The AAC provides testing services for make-up exams. Faculty members may arrange for a student who misses an exam for an approved reason to take a make-up test. Photo identification is required for all exams.

Placement Testing

Placement Requirements: MassBay students seeking a degree or a certificate with specific English, reading, and/or math requirements must satisfy the College’s placement requirements. A variety of methods are used to determine placement, as described on our web site at Placement Requirements.

Placement Test Workshops

The AAC offers a workshop series to help students prepare for the Accuplacer placement tests. These free, one-to-two-hour workshops help students refresh their skills in arithmetic, algebra, reading, and writing. Please visit Placement Workshops for a list of upcoming workshops.

Peer Tutoring

Wellesley Hills Campus / Room 206 / 781-239-2620
Framingham Campus / Room 320 / 508-270-4213

The Peer Tutoring program offers free, student-based assistance in a wide range of subjects. Peer tutors excel in their areas of study and enjoy helping fellow students achieve academic success. Tutors’ goal is to help students become active, independent learners. Tutors use a variety of teaching techniques including questioning, modeling, listening, and demonstration.

Online Tutoring

MassBay students can utilize a free online tutoring service, SMARTHINKING, from the MassBay Blackboard site. SMARTHINKING is available 24/7 and is used for many subjects.

Reading and Writing Center

Wellesley Hills Campus / Room 215 / 781-239-2633
Framingham Campus / Room 320 / 508-270-4285

In the Reading and Writing Center, professional learning specialists support and engage MassBay students from every program in developing as readers and writers. Learning specialists hold individual conferences with students. They focus on specific coursework and improvement of drafts at every stage of the writing process-from getting started with an assignment to revising a paper. Students often focus on improving the following skills:

  • Setting challenging, achievable academic goals
  • Understanding a reading/writing assignment for any class
  • Separating an assignment into clear and manageable steps
  • Organizing and outlining ideas
  • Using ideas and notes to plan/revise an essay
  • Examining sources and evidence to establish credibility and authority
  • Revising a paper for improved grammar, punctuation, or word choice
  • Developing effective reading and study skills
  • Becoming a more fluent writer as a non-native English speaker
  • Citing sources in MLA or APA format

Both walk-ins and appointments are welcomed.

Math and Science Center

Wellesley Hills Campus / Room 214 / 781-239-2774
Framingham Campus / Room 320 / 508-270-4211

In the Math and Science Center, professional learning specialists work with students on their individual learning goals. They hold individual and small-group conferences with students who are working on math or science for any MassBay class. The Math and Science Center offers:

  • Individual and group instruction in scientific, nursing, and mathematical course content
  • Opportunities for study groups and homework help with fellow students
  • Consultations for general study skills and subject-specific strategies
  • Workshops in math and science content areas
  • Resources for self-paced learning, review, and self-testing
  • Online learning tools.

No required appointments. Walk-ins only.

Math Homework Center

Wellesley Hills Campus/Room 153/781-239-2634

The Math Homework Center is where students receive learning assistance, develop their skills in mathematics working with Learning specialists and peer tutors with course content.  In the center, professional learning specialists and peer tutors aim to:

  • Offer support to students with their classroom work
  • Cultivate independent learners by teaching pedagogical strategies such as:
    • Organizational strategies and time management
    • Helping students understand both the immediate problem and the larger concept
    • Assisting students in relating concepts and ideas to each other
    • Teaching principles, applications, and how to build on skills toward future use
    • Helping students identify other resources, including both online and print, as well as how to look questions up when learning specialists and instructors are not present
    • Connect students with individuals and resources on campus beyond their immediate faculty

Academic Advising, Coaching, and Transfer

Wellesley Hills Campus / Room 111 / 781-239-2775

The Academic Advising, Coaching, and Transfer staff are committed to assisting students in the development of meaningful academic plans that are compatible with their academic and life goals. Academic Advisors guide students from new student orientation through graduation and beyond. We introduce incoming students to the opportunities and resources of the College, inform new and returning students of the requirements of academic programs, assist students with the selection of a major and the appropriate courses to ensure academic success, and counsel students regarding transfer opportunities. Academic Advisors assist students with degree progress mapping through the use of the automated degree audit system, MyMAP (My MassBay Academic Plan). Students can access their MyMAP on the home page of their Bay Navigator account. All registered degree/certificate seeking students are assigned an academic advisor, and non-degree students are assigned to the Advising Center. The name and contact information for one’s advisor is available on the home page of Bay Navigator. Advisor assignments for returning students are generally made immediately following the add/drop period in the fall and spring semesters, and new students are assigned their advisor at SOAR (Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration). All new degree/certificate seeking students are required to meet with an academic advisor before enrolling in their first semester of courses. For most academic programs, during the first-semester, new students are required to complete a COMPASS meeting (Comprehensive Advising for Student Success) with their assigned academic advisor. MassBay has designated COMPASS as a signature part of the first year where the student and advisor collaborate to create an academic plan from the first semester through graduation.

Other services provided by the Academic Advising, Coaching, and Transfer staff include:

  • Assistance with course registration, adding and dropping classes and course withdrawals
  • Transfer Credit Evaluation
  • Information on Challenge Exams and CLEP exams
  • Change of Major
  • Course substitutions and waivers
  • MassTransfer and Transfer Counseling
  • Permission to take courses at other institutions
  • Graduation and MyMAP Reviews
  • Referrals to other campus resources
  • Academic Coaching

Transfer Credit Information & Policies

MassBay Community College adopted the standards set forth in the Common Transfer Policy drafted by the Department of Higher Education. The purpose of this policy is to ease and clarify the process of transferring earned credit from one college to another, while providing common guidelines for institutions to adhere to. To view the Common Transfer Policy in its entirety, view the Department of Higher Education website at www.mass.edu.

Acceptance of Transfer Credit from Other Colleges

  1. General Conditions
    1. For credit to transfer, the courses must have been taken at an institution accredited by one of the six regional accreditation agencies in the United States. Credit from institutions with national accreditation, recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) may be used for specific career-oriented programs.
    2. Credit earned at international institutions not accredited by one of the six regional United States accreditation agencies may transfer. Foreign documents must be translated and evaluated by a credible agency, such as the Center Educational Documentation (www.cedevaluations.com) or World Evaluation Services ( www.wes.org )
    3. MassBay Community College requires official transcripts from the institutions where credit was earned in order to transfer.
    4. Students must be accepted by MassBay Community College and declared their program of study for credit to be transferred and applied accordingly.
    5. At minimum credit will be granted for courses that apply to students’ current programs of study.
    6. Once credit is transferred it becomes part of students’ permanent records.
    7. Only credit for course work deemed college-level upon evaluation will transfer.
    8. Credit for pre-college-level or developmental coursework does not transfer.
    9. MassBay Community College does not use external developmental coursework for student placement purposes.
    10. Grades do not transfer; only credit transfers. Therefore, transfer credit grades are not used in calculating grade or quality point averages.
    11. Transfer credit is designated on transcripts with the designation of “T”. The “T” grade is defined as transfer credit from an external institution.
    12. Credit will transfer as (1) the course equivalent (if it exists), (2) as an elective equivalent within a comparable department, or (3) with an appropriate transfer code and number, when neither the course equivalent, nor a comparable department, exists.
    13. Credits earned in a quarter-hour system will be converted to semester-hour equivalents.
    14. Audited coursework does not transfer.
    15. Credit will not be granted for duplicate coursework or for two courses that cover the same or similar content.
  2. Minimum Grades
    1. MassBay requires a minimum grade of C- (1.70 on a 4.00 scale) or higher for courses and credits to transfer. Restricted programs in addition to specific academic programs and courses may require a grade higher than C- for grade to transfer. Review curriculum sheets and course descriptions for this information.
    2. Grades of D, D+, C- and CD (1.00 to 1.99 on a 4.00 scale) may transfer if they are for courses that are part of the 34-credit MassTransfer Block and students have completed the Block with a cumulative grade or quality point average of 2.00 or higher. This notation must clearly be indicated on the official transcript from the sending institution.
    3. Grades higher than C (2.00) may be required for admission or transfer into certain programs, for use as pre-requisite courses and for application of credit to certain program requirements.
    4. Grades of Pass (P), Satisfactory (S) or similar grades will transfer only when official transcripts indicate that such grades are equivalent to a grade of C- or higher.
    5. Transfer Policy - For coursework completed in the Spring 2020 semester only, MassBay will accept grades of D or higher, Pass (P), and Satisfactory (S) or similar grades, for transfer. Grades of P and S will be transferred regardless of grade equivalency provided on the official transcript. Minimum grade requirements for admission or transfer into certain programs, for use as pre-requisite courses, and for application of credit to certain program requirements, will still stand.
  3. Residency Requirement/Maximum Transfer Credit Allowed
    MassBay requires students to complete at least one quarter (25%) of the credits of the first associate degree or certificate in order to graduate (referred to as the residency requirement). Transfer of up to the remaining three-quarters of the credits will depend upon the program’s requirements and elective options. Students must complete 15 separate academic credits to obtain a second associate degree at the college.
  4. Alternative Sources of Credit
    1. Credit will be granted for satisfactory scores on select Advanced Placement (AP) examinations.
    2. Credit will be granted for satisfactory scores on select College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations. MassBay also accepts UExcel, DANTES Subject Standardized Tests, A-Level Exams, International Baccalaureate, and other exams for credit. For a list of approved examinations, visit Credit for Prior Learning.
    3. Official score reports from the College Board (or other entities) are required in order to receive credit for AP, CLEP, and other exams.
    4. Credit will be granted for satisfactory scores on challenge or credit examinations only if satisfactory is defined as C- or higher on official transcripts or official score reports.
    5. Credit may be granted for formal courses or examinations offered by various organizations, including businesses, unions, government, and military based on the recommendations of the American Council on Education (ACE) as found in its National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training, a resource of its College Credit Recommendation Service (CREDIT).
    6. Credit also may be granted for learning from experience at work, volunteering in the community, military service, job training, independent reading, open source courseware study, and hobbies based on the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) standards of the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL).
    7. Members of the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) Consortium adhere to the Consortium’s Academic Residency Requirements for service members at their institutions.
    8. Academic credits earned through the evaluation of military occupation, training, experience, and coursework are transferable within the Massachusetts public higher education system in accordance with the Mass Transfer agreement.
    9. Credit granted by one institution from alternative sources other than that included by item H above may not transfer to another institution.
  5. Time Limits
    1. Credit will be transferred without time limits in most cases. MassBay reserves the right to refuse recognition of courses completed more than ten years prior to the date a student applies for transfer. Science and Computer courses must have been taken within the last 5 years in order to transfer into MassBay.
    2. Certain programs, courses or admission standards may require courses to be taken within a specified time period.
  6. Student Appeals
    1. MassBay will maintain and publish a process for students to appeal decisions made about transfer credit. This process is listed below:

      Transfer In
      A student wishing to challenge course credits accepted by MassBay from another institution must complete a Transfer Credit Appeal Form located on the Academic Advising, Coaching, and Transfer webpage: Academic and Transfer Advising. The transcript will be reevaluated by the Director or designee, who will consult with pertinent Faculty, Department Chairs, and/or Academic Deans. Students should provide additional documentation including course descriptions and/or course syllabi with their appeal form. The student will be notified via letter to the address on file with the College of the results of the appeal.

      Transfer Out
      Final decisions regarding the awarding of transfer credit from MassBay are made by the receiving institution. Students are encouraged to bring their concerns regarding the awarding of credit to the receiving institution. Students may consult with MassBay’s Coordinator of Transfer Affairs & Articulation regarding their concerns, and the Coordinator may contact the receiving institution on the student’s behalf for further clarification when applicable. MassBay’s Transfer Coordinator will assist the student by reviewing the appeal and meeting with the student. The Transfer Coordinator may contact the receiving institution on the student’s behalf for further clarification.
    2. MassBay will designate and publish the contact information of an ombudsperson that ensures institutional compliance with transfer policies and procedures.


      Transfer In:
      Director of Academic Advising, Coaching, and Transfer

      Transfer Out:
      Coordinator of Transfer Affairs & Articulation
  7. Review and Amendment
    1. MassBay will periodically review this policy and propose amendments with the consideration of the Department of Higher Education.
    2. The Department of Higher Education Common Transfer Policy may be amended with the unanimous consent of the community colleges.
  8. Contact
    Questions and comments regarding the Common Transfer Policy may be sent to the Department of Higher Education. For contact information visit: www.mass.edu.

    Questions regarding the transfer of credit into MassBay Community College should be directed to Academic Advising, Coaching, and Transfer. (advisingcenter@massbay.edu)

Transcript Evaluation for Transfer Credit

  • Students must be accepted to the college and have a declared major (degree or certificate program).
  • Request an official (in a sealed envelope) transcript from the registrars of all institutions, or the military, that a student previously attended for which they wish to transfer credit.
  • Submit the official transcript(s) to MassBay for Transfer Credit Evaluation. Students may have transcripts mailed to:

    MassBay Community College
    Office of the Registrar
    50 Oakland Street
    Wellesley Hills, MA 02481-5307

    Or, students may deliver transcripts in the sealed envelope to either the Wellesley Hills or Framingham campus at the Office of the Registrar.
  • Students should submit official transcript(s) at least six (6) weeks prior to the time that they wish to register for upcoming classes to ensure credit is evaluated and posted prior to registration.
  • Once courses have been officially approved and transferred, they will appear on a student’s MassBay transcript. Students will also receive a letter, an email communication, from Academic Advising, Coaching, Transfer informing them as to which of their courses transferred in.

MassBay’s VALOR Act Academic Credit Policy

In accordance with the VALOR Act, Massachusetts Bay Community College evaluates credit earned for military education, training, experience, or coursework using the same standards as those applied to coursework from accredited colleges and universities. MassBay reviews all military transcripts and discharge documents (DD214), including SMART, ACE, and AARTS, as well as CLEP and DANTES Subject Standardized Tests in accordance with college policies for transferability of credit to the student’s intended major or program of study. Such evaluation shall be in accordance with existing Mass Transfer agreement policies. Students shall receive accurate and complete academic counseling from the Veterans’ Coordinator in collaboration with Academic Advising, Coaching, and Transfer.

Transfer Advising


MassBay Community College is committed to assisting students in furthering their education beyond the Associate Degree. Transfer Advising (located in the Advising, Transfer, and Coaching Commons) has resources to assist students in making informed choices about their academic plan in order to make a smooth transition to a 4-year institution.

Transfer Workshops

Transfer Workshops are held throughout the year on the Wellesley Hills and Framingham campuses. These workshops present an overview of the transfer process and provide students an opportunity to meet the transfer coordinator. These workshops are designed to answer some of the ‘big picture’ questions about transferring into a four-year institution. All students interested in transferring to another school should attend a Transfer Workshop early in their academic career at MassBay.

Transfer Fairs

There is a Transfer Fair in both the fall and spring semesters of each academic year. Over 35 colleges and universities are invited to attend the transfer fairs each semester. At the fair, students have the opportunity to meet with admissions representatives about the requirements for transferring into the school. The transfer fair is also a great time to learn more about the institutions that you are interested in applying to after your time at MassBay.

Transfer Advising Appointments

The transfer coordinator is available by appointment to meet with students who have already attended a Transfer Workshop. The transfer coordinator assists students in navigating the transfer process and other academic planning needs.

MassTransfer Program


MassTransfer is a statewide transfer program that has replaced the old Joint Admissions Program. MassTransfer links community college students with Massachusetts public universities and the University of Massachusetts through a multitude of programs:

  • MassTransfer General Education Foundation
  • MassTransfer Associate Degrees
    • MassTransfer
    • MassTransfer ATA (Alternative Transfer Agreements)
    • MassTransfer Education Compacts

MassTransfer General Education Foundation

Every four-year public institution (state universities and UMass campuses) has a different set of general education requirements. The MassTransfer General Education Foundation refers to a set of general education, core, or distribution requirements, consisting of 34 college-level credits. These credits, when completed together with a 2.0 or higher GPA, fully transfer to any Massachusetts public higher education institution…even if you don’t have your associate degree. These credits also satisfy general education/distribution/core requirements at any other Massachusetts public higher education institution, with the receiving institution being able to add no more than six additional credits/two courses.

Those requirements include the following:

English Composition/Writing (6 credits)
EN 101  and EN 102  

Behavioral & Social Sciences (9 credits)
Anthropology (AN), Economics (EC), Geography (GG), Government (GV), History (HS), Law (LA), Psychology (PS), Sociology (SO).

Humanities & Fine Arts (9 credits)
Art (AR), Communication (CO), Critical Thinking (CT), French (FR), Humanities (HU), Literature (LI), Music (MU), Philosophy (PH), Photography (PO), Speech/Theater/Film (SF), (SL), Spanish (SP).

Natural & Physical Sciences (7 credits)
Biology (BI), Chemistry (CH), Environmental Sciences & Safety (EV), Physics (PY), Science (SC), Nutrition (NS).

Mathematics (3 credits)
MA100-level math or higher
(MAC 100 & MAC 101 not eligible)

Total: 34 college-level credits

MassTransfer Associate Degrees

Associate degrees approved in MassTransfer include the MassTransfer General Education Foundation. The remaining credits in the program have been reviewed by four-year public institutions to ensure transferability.

Students that graduate from these programs will receive the following benefits based on their final GPA at graduation:

  • 2.0 GPA
    • No admission fee or essay.
    • Transfer of 60 credits applied to the bachelor’s degree.
    • Automatic satisfaction of the general education requirements at the receiving institution.
  • 2.5 GPA
    • All of the above benefits, plus guaranteed admission.
  • 3.0 GPA

MassTransfer ATA (Alternative Transfer Agreement)

Not all programs at community colleges will qualify for MassTransfer since many programs don’t have the appropriate courses to satisfy the MassTransfer Block requirement.

To address these concerns the MassTransfer ATA agreement has been created. Programs approved through the MassTransfer ATA program still receive all the benefits listed above in the traditional MassTransfer program, however, students will not receive the general education waiver.

Four-year public institutions will only approve programs through MassTransfer ATA when a student transfers 60 or more credits.

MassTransfer Education Compact

The Education Compact has been moved under the MassTransfer Program. This compact is specifically for Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education majors at MassBay. The compact ensures that students complete Massachusetts Department of Education course requirements to teach in their selected fields.

Students must take and pass the MTEL licensure exam before transferring. Students will receive all the benefits listed in the traditional MassTransfer program.

Accessibility Resources Center

Wellesley Hills Campus / Room 216 / 781-239-2234
Framingham Campus / Room 320 / 508-270-4267

Massbay Community College is dedicated to providing equal access for each student who self-discloses a disability and requests accommodations for learning, testing, and other areas of need. Students can meet with Accessibility Specialists to:

  • Discuss your experience with disability
  • Request accommodations that will facilitate equal access
  • Seek advising during course enrollment
  • Access coaching and mentoring opportunities to support academic success
  • Develop self-advocacy skills

Transitional Scholars Program

The Transitional Scholars Program at MassBay is a student-centered program designed for transition-age students with documented intellectual and/or developmental disability. The program serves students typically between 18-22 years of age, who are currently enrolled in their high school transition program or are transitioning from high school to post-secondary education having earned their diploma. Transitional Scholars is designed for students who are interested in having a college experience with the support of our Educational Coaches and additional programming.  Admitted students take one (1) or two (2) college courses per semester (Fall and Spring) for a maximum of three (3) years. While enrolled in the program, Transitional Scholars have the opportunity to participate in campus activities, join clubs and organizations, and have full access to all of MassBay’s support and services.

Corporate Partnerships & Workforce Development (CPWD)

The Office of Corporate Partnerships & Workforce Development (CPWD) is a comprehensive educational training center serving MetroWest employers, individuals, and community agencies. It focuses on three distinct areas that offer new courses, trainings, certifications, and programs, which are continually develop and offer to meet the needs of current and future partners. New areas are: Corporate Partnerships, Workforce Development and Professional Support.

Through our Corporate Partnerships, a wide variety of corporate education courses, programs, trainings, seminars, and workshops. The staff specializes in designing customized programs to meet the specific training needs of area employers. It is mobile and can train off-campus, as well as at any MassBay Community College location in Wellesley Hills, Framingham, or Ashland. CPWD is dedicated to creating strong partnerships that lead to corporate success and welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the growth and development of our MetroWest service area.

Another area of expertise and interest is helping individuals who need Workforce Development, specifically geared toward individuals seeking to take their career to the next level, or in a different direction. CPWD offers a wide variety of courses and programs for individuals seeking job training that lead to licensing or employable career skills. CPWD helps people succeed and is highly responsive to the needs of individuals in our service area.

Are you looking to learn a new skill or refresh an old one? The Professional Support seminars and courses are also available on a continuing basis and are developed according to student interest. Through these courses, you can earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs). CPWD invites current and future students to share their interests with us so that it can continue to offer new and innovative courses.

Another feature of Professional Support, the Office of CPWD has partnered with Ed2Go to offer online courses, programs, and certifications. The number of courses offered in an online format is extensive. If your schedule does not allow time to train with us in person, you can now learn from the comfort of your own home or office. CPWD is excited to offer these opportunities to students in such a flexible format and looks forward to helping students and employers choose courses and certifications that will help them succeed.

For more information about CPWD, reach out at cpwd@massbay.edu or 508-270-4100.



The biotechnology laboratory at MassBay’s Wellesley Hills campus is considered by industry and the National Science Foundation to be one of the most sophisticated undergraduate research facilities in the United States. It houses three A.S. degree programs: Biotechnology, Marine Biotechnology, and the only degree program in forensic DNA science in the world. The Biotechnology facility contains over $4.5 million of state-of-the-art equipment in which students, under the guidance of program faculty, train in cutting-edge research including analysis of gene regulation, DNA sequencing, genetic engineering, real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), fluorescence microscopy, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), bioreactor production of cellular molecules, mammalian cell culture and tissue engineering. Students in the Forensic DNA Science program are trained by their direct participation in actual criminal-, anthropological- and cold cases conducted with law enforcement or defense attorneys and use the most advanced mitochondrial DNA and allele analysis methodologies in the solving of these cases. The independent research projects conducted by students are global in nature and involve collaborations with academic and industry scientists worldwide.

CAD Lab/Engineering

MassBay operates a state-of-the-art CAD laboratory equipped with industry standard software including Autodesk AutoCAD and Revit Architecture, Pro/ENGINEER/Creo, SolidWorks, and MasterCAM, products. The CAD lab houses Rapid Prototyping and 3D Scanning Technology (uPrint/Dimension Printer and Next Engine Laser Scanner) and a professional-grade plotter.

The engineering lab includes state-of-the-art instrumentation and measurement software such as Matlab to enable students to design, develop, program, and test novel engineering applications. The engineering lab also includes industry standard strength of materials testing equipment such as a Universal Testing Machine (UTM) and a torsion testing machine.

The Electronics lab houses electronics industry standard software such as Cadence OrCAD and Matlab as well as electronic parts and tools that students use to experiment and create novel designs.

Computing Labs/Virtual Labs

The virtualized laboratory provides virtual access to multiple operating systems and network environments. The configuration of this lab allows running multiple courses in one semester, where each course requires different application and network resources in addition to a range of student administrative access to operating systems such as Windows and Linux. An additional dedicated laboratory currently features a dual-boot configuration so that both Windows and Linux operating systems are available. Dedicated laboratory rooms support the multimedia software required by our web-related and digital-imaging courses.

General Science Laboratories

MassBay Community College’s laboratories provide a comprehensive, hands-on learning environment for science students. MassBay labs feature a total of six 24-station general science laboratories dedicated to the study of biology, chemistry, anatomy, physiology, environmental sciences, and microbiology. Labs are well stocked with modern equipment and new digital technology to accommodate the learning needs of today’s students.

Students seeking a degree within a science discipline or taking science courses as an elective will learn the fundamentals of chemistry and biosciences utilizing hands-on investigations, data visualization tools, and lifelike anatomical models. These tools help students deepen their understanding of scientific concepts and inspire them to develop professional scientific skills.

MassBay also offers students looking to further build on their laboratory experience a variety of higher-level science courses. Interested students may choose Organic Chemistry I & II, where they practice how to detect the presence of specific impurities and identify the presence of certain functional groups in a molecule using a state-of-the-art Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) system. Also offered is Molecular Biology, where students study the properties of organic and inorganic substances using the phenomena of fluorescence and phosphorescence with the aid of epi-fluorescent microscopes. MassBay also offers biochemistry and immunology courses that are enhanced by advanced laboratory components.

Environmental Sciences & Safety

This lab is housed on the fifth floor of the Wellesley Hills campus and is equipped with many sophisticated tools such as Gas Chromatography, UV/Visible Spectrophotometers, a DNA sequencer, advanced water and soil analysis systems, and many other microbiology-based pieces of equipment. The lab is used for teaching and for research and was used to discover a new, previously undescribed bacterium, Bacillus samanii.

Nursing & Practical Nursing

The Nursing Lab on the Framingham campus for both associate degree and practical nursing students provides a state-of-the-art learning environment where students develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes as well as other cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills necessary for all aspects of patient care. Students develop competencies congruent with Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN). Under the supervision of trained faculty and staff, students practice with human simulators, mannequins and health care equipment in a setting that approximates the modern clinical environment.


SPARCC (Simulation Patient Assessment and Resuscitation through Communications Center), located on the Framingham Campus, is an accredited simulation center designed to provide immersive learning to healthcare students. The multiple high fidelity human simulators in SPARCC mimic hundreds of medical conditions, exhibit all physiologic functions, and respond in real-time to student interaction, treatment, and medication. The Simulation Center also contains many tasks trainers, computer-based learning systems, simulated medication, video-recording systems, debriefing rooms, and an Immersive virtual lab.

Paramedic and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

The lab on the Framingham campus contains state-of-the-art equipment including the latest in prehospital ECG monitoring and electrical therapies, high-fidelity simulators, glideslope intubation, and real-world disaster training. The EMS labs also house many task and airway trainers, a simulated car, and a mock ambulance to enhance student learning and clinical practice.

Radiologic Technology

The Radiologic Lab on the Framingham campus is equipped with Radiologic Technology patient simulation, digital equipment, and a variety of both energized and non-energized x-ray equipment. This laboratory provides an excellent learning environment to prepare for the clinical experiences provided in the program.

Surgical Technology

The Surgical Technology Lab on the Framingham campus is a state-of-the-art operating room (OR) with OR tables and many devices used in the operating room including a functioning Laparoscopic set-up. Simulation mannequins are also used to provide students with realistic experiences and the practice they require before entering the clinical phase of their training.  The lab is also available to Central Processing Technology students to learn instrumentation and proper techniques to be successful in their clinical experience.

Learning Opportunities


Internships are a form of experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skills development in a professional setting. Internships give students the opportunity to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in the professional fields they are considering for career paths; and give employers the opportunity to guide and evaluate talent (National Association of Colleges and Employers revised 2018).

MassBay students have the opportunity to participate in credit (number of credit varies)/non-credit and required/elective internships. In order to participate in an internship, students must have completed at least 12 credits in their major and have a Grade Point Average of 2.0 or above. Career Services collaborates with MassBay faculty in guiding students through the process of finding and securing internships in their field of interest. For more information, contact Career Services at 781-239-3142 or careerservices@massbay.edu.

Directed Study

Under certain circumstances, courses that are not on the course schedule may be available through directed study. Students and their instructor develop a contract for an individualized course of instruction for a directed study course.

Civic Engagement and Civic Learning Courses

Civic learning encourages students to validate course concepts through engagement in activities that address community needs. The Massachusetts Board of Higher Education policy defines civic learning as the acquisition of the knowledge, the intellectual skills, and the applied competencies or practice skills that citizens need for informed and effective participation in civic and democratic life. Students have opportunities through their coursework to participate in civic learning and civic engagement, in order to gain practical experience while applying lessons learned in the classroom to the real world.

The Commonwealth Honors Program

Students who have taken at least 6 credits at the college and maintained a minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA are eligible to participate in the Commonwealth Honors program, as are new students who demonstrate the potential for academic excellence based on their high school transcript. Honors classes enhance traditional coursework to emphasize research, advanced writing, independent study, and small group work. In addition, students participate in a specially designed honors colloquium course to culminate the program. To complete the Commonwealth Honors program, students must complete at least four honors classes at MassBay, including the Honors Colloquium, while maintaining a minimum 3.2 cumulative GPA and a minimum grade of “B” (3.0) in each honors course. In order to apply for the program, students must register with the Honors Program coordinator(s), who will assist with registration and evaluate progress through the program. Students who complete the Commonwealth Honors program at MassBay are eligible for admission in the comparable Honors Program available at the Commonwealth’s sister State Universities and University of Massachusetts campuses.   

Honor Societies

Alpha Beta Gamma, the National Business Honor Society, was established in 1970 to recognize and encourage scholarship among two-year-college students in business programs. Alpha Beta Gamma provides leadership opportunities and forums for the exchange of ideas and promotes academic excellence. MassBay’s chapter of the Society is Kappa Epsilon. To be eligible, students must be enrolled in a business division program, have completed at least 15 credits, and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Alpha Kappa Lambda, MassBay’s chapter of the international honor society of two-year colleges, Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), was chartered at MassBay in 1984. The Society recognizes and encourages scholarship in the community and on campus by providing leadership opportunities and service experiences, and by offering an intellectual climate where members can exchange ideas and ideals, participate in a lively fellowship among scholars, and find encouragement for continuing academic excellence. In order to be inducted into PTK, students must have earned a GPA of 3.75 for 15-29 credits, or a GPA of 3.5 with 30 or more credits earned at MassBay.

Delta Alpha Pi International Honor Society was founded in 2004 and is open to students with a documented disability who meet the eligibility requirements. To be eligible, a student must have completed a minimum of 24 credits, earned an overall GPA of 3.10, and demonstrate an interest in disability issues. This Society recognizes students with disabilities for their academic accomplishments. In addition, this Honor Society facilitates development of skills in leadership, advocacy and education for participating students.

MassBay sponsors a chapter of Psi Beta, the National Psychology Honor Society. Students must have completed at least 12 semester hours, taken a minimum of three courses in psychology, have earned a grade of “B+” or better in each course, and have attained an overall grade point average of 3.5 to be eligible for membership.


Wellesley Hills Campus / Second Floor / 781-239-2610
Framingham Campus / Third Floor / 508-270-4210

The MassBay libraries provide resources and services crucial for student success, including information literacy instruction, quality library materials, and an academic learning environment.  The libraries deliver library services to students and faculty both on and off campus with an online catalog and subject guides that link to a host of electronic and print resources. The libraries have books, newspapers, journals and other resources. These are augmented by resources available through the library’s participation in the Higher Education Libraries of Massachusetts network, the Fenway Library Organization, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, and other library organizations.